Friday, April 27, 2012

Governor's School informative brochure.

When the topic of a brochure was discussed, it didn't make much sense considering the focus we've had so far on grassroots advocacy. Brochures are more difficult to distribute, they aren't easily sharable, and getting people to act with a brochure somehow seems a lot more difficult to do than via a poster, flyer, or website. So after some deliberation, it was decided that, seeing as one has not yet been created, an informative brochure about what Governor's School actually is and what sets it apart was the best choice for this project. I started to brainstorm economic, yet atypical layout formats.

After a decent amount of research of similar brochures and about Governor's School and how it presents itself, I started revising digital roughs in InDesign. I arrived at a graphic solution I particularly liked, and you can see that developed below. This solution is 4"x5" when fully closed, and 12"x5" when fully opened, so two can fit on one 11"x17" tabloid size sheet. The brochure's edges fold in and then it folds in half again to fully close. The center spread is what it would look like when halfway opened.

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