Sunday, March 4, 2012

Logo revisions.

After sending off the last logo and receiving feedback from Roice and the GSF board, I learned that the logo I sent reminded too many people of anti-war posters and that the background was too harsh for a lot of people. The feedback I received was along the lines of:

"...put me in mind of some of the stark imagery used in the 50s and 60s to stir up sentiment for or against the Soviet Union."

" would help if it educated us a bit about the value of GS when we looked at it..."

"...once you get all those arms merged in together, it's hard to tell they were originally arms."

My answer to this was to return to my previous designs, make the human element of the hands more evident, and play around with different colors already in the Governor's School visual language.

Pairing text with the designs also helped to kill the stark nature of the original logos. I used a transitional serifed typeface to speak to GS's timelessness and mimic the typeforms in the original logo. Lowecase makes the word "save" accessible, while petite caps denote the importance of NCGS.

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