Sunday, February 26, 2012

Logoform ideation.

I began to brainstorm logos for GSF's Governor's School Advocacy approach, using a template that my peers used in Typography III last semester. It forces creation of imagery based on individual aspects, and combining these overarching symbols in as many ways as possible.

To start out, I isolated the words that I thought described Governor's School Foundation, distilled those down to three main themes, and then chose three more words for each of those themes. I added the letters that are significant to the organization to my chart as well, and then began to combine imagery.

After working on the larger chart, I decided that my results were too separate from the idea of advocacy, so I made a smaller chart with that focus.
From there, I remembered the Governor's School Alumni Association's slogan of "keep the torch burning", referencing the torch in the center of Governor's School's original logoform. Since torches are a graspable object and carrying a torch is (thanks to the Olympics) widely representative of continuing tradition, I thought this approach was worth a shot. (GS is turning 50 this year, consequently)
I chose to frame with either a square or circle, representing stability and continuity, respectively. Multiple hands remarked to a more impersonal, grassroots approach, breaking the space and drawing the viewer in. I wanted to create something that showed strength and community.

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